Cat Scarves
Featured Products
Designer Leather Cat Ear & Whiskers Backpack
$ 36.99 $ 32.99
Cat Face Jeans
$ 33.23 from $ 30.99
Black Cat Two Tone Sweatshirt
$ 38.06 $ 32.99
Cat With Glasses Wristwatch
$ 19.99 $ 9.99
Cat Print Scarf
$ 14.99 $ 11.99
This chiffon cat print scarf is the perfect winter or summer accessory. In the winter this can be wrapped up tight as a welcomed layer to keep out that biting cold, and in the summer...
Silky Cat Pashmina Shawl
$ 31.17 $ 28.99
This luxury cat pashmina scarf is a great addition to your fall wardrobe. It is silky and elegant with beautiful large cat prints. It is perfect for fall and winter weathers. This featured item is...
Gold Foil Cat Scarf
$ 20.77 $ 18.99
Our Gold Foil Cat Scarf is a fashionable accessory for any wardrobe style. This can be a perfect additional layer in the winter or a loosely draped accessory for the warm summer months. No matter the...
Cat Scarves Collection - Printed Cat Scarves
Unless your cat is willing to cuddle into your neck it's probably going to be a bit cold. Warm it up while not losing points of your cute game with these cat print scarves. They come in various colors and sizes to match just about style.